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Declassified US Papers
Letter to Anatoly Dobrynin from Soviet Embassy
Letter to Henry Kissinger from Barry Goldwater
Project Bluebook file
Concepts for Detection of Extraterrestrial Life of Space Administration
News Article about Apollo 18
Description of a Land Rover
Letter from William L. Patterson to Anatoly Dobrynin about Universal Peace to the Planet
Wright Patterson Air Force document
Apollo 18 Voice Transcription
NASA Air Service Command Network
Confidential Letter To: Yevgeniy Galichenko, Zampolit From: Petrov Rostovnik-Lavochkin Bureau
White House letter to Secretary Porrestal about Operation Majestic Twelve
Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual for Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology for Majic Eyes Only
1974 Santa Barbara unexplained Launch
Declassified US Report
Alchemy Chart
Research facility in Area 51
Atomic Canons for Frenchman's Flat
Frenchman Flat explosion
Nellis test range
Crater after detonation of Frenchman Flat
Nuclear waste area
Area for atomic bomb
Nuke bunker
Front Gate at Nevada Test site
Seden Crater
Bird's eye view of nuclear waste area
Detonation on January, 27, 1951
Bate house for nuke
Vrba-Wetzler report
Rudolf Vrba letter
Classification of SQL injection attacking vector until 2010
Denial-of-service attack
Black Hand seal
Garden of Eden from Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights
Kurt Cobain suicide note
Robert Wadlow 8ft 11in next to his father 5ft 11in
Konami Code
Leidenfrost effect
A Crystal Age Utopian novel
Grady Stiles (the lobster boy)
Enhanced 9-1-1 system for calling
Apothecary 5th century
Babur crossing the Indus Rover
Baghdad Battery
Dendera light
Dunhuang Star Chart showing the North Pole region
A piezoelectric disk generates a voltage when deformed (changed in shape is greatly exaggerated)
Garencieres 1672 English translation of the Prophecies
Nabta Playa
Orion Nebula m42
The Shepherd of Hermas 3rd century
Zhang Qian
Zodiac killer symbol to sign his correspondence
Nabta Playa diagram
Graham Cube
ACSII Binary (it's 1s and 0s forming a word)
Jesus walking on water by François Boucher
Taxicab number
Maasaw (God of the Hopi People)
Schrodingers cat (Gedankenexpiriment)
The exponential function
Blue Screen of Death on Windows 7
Bell Numbers
Die Glocke blueprints
Nazi's first flying saucer model, the Vril
The triangular array whose right-hand diagonal sequence consists of Bell numbers.
A simulated black hole of 10 solar masses 600 kilometers with the Milky Way Galaxy
A tachyon moving faster than light, the black line is the shock only in one moment of time
An electron and positron orbiting around their common centre of mass. This is a bound quantum state known as positronium.
Cherenkov Radiation glowing in the core of the Advanced Test Reactor
A crystalline solid atomic resolution image of strontium titanate. Brighter atoms are Sr and darker ones are Ti.
General Reletivity or String Theory
Illustrate by Paul Ehrenfest in 1911 using the Minkowski diagram
In this Feynman diagram, an electron and a positron annihilate, producing a photon (represented by the blue sine wave) that becomes a quark-antiquark pair, after which the antiquark radiates a gluon by the green helix).
Minkowski diagram with resting frame (x,t), moving frame (x',t'), light cone, and hyperbolas marking out time and space with respect to the origin.
A map demonstrating the supposed evolution of the word mother, by Hendrik Willem van Loon
Delta waves, an EEG (electroencephalograph) one second sample
Example of an EEG theta wave
"God Helmet"
Hyperbolic angle
Studebaker symbol
Alcubierre drive
A typical schematic flow diagram of a delayed coking unit
Diagram for quantum teleportation of a photon
GRU Official emblem (until 2009) with motto engraved, Greatness of Motherland in your glorious deeds
Piggly Wiggly
Tetradrachm issued by Ptolemy V Epiphanes, British Museum
The graph of a function with a horizontal, vertical, and oblique asymptote
The start of an electromagnetic shower
This diagram shows the elongations (or angle) of the Earth's position from the Sun
Peenemünde Test Stand VII
Relative abundance of the chemical elements in the Earth's upper continental crust, on a per-atom basis
Flux mathematical frameworks
Perhaps the first photograph of men drinking beer, circa 1844 in Scotland, by Hill & Adamson
The first use of a hydrogen bubble chamber to detect neutrinos, on November 13, 1970
Military Enigma machine
The Mowing Devil Pamphlet
Close-up of the rotors in a Fialka cipher machine
Cold War ICBM launch keys
Gnostic gem from Roman-era Egypt (1st century AD)
Rhönrad, German wheel
The Conjurer, 1475-1480, by Hieronymus Bosch
Title page of RGB I No. 100 proclaiming the laws. Issued 16.09.1935.
Ventriloquist The Great Lester with Frank Byron, Jr. on his knee, c. 1904
The 2011 FBI document claiming to find three so-called flying saucers
The Ursar, drawing by Theodor Aman
Traditional Russian Swing
Cyr wheel
A bee beetle, the subfamily Trichiinae, then from the Scarabaeidae family of 30,000 species of beetles
Chang and Eng Bunker as Siamese twins
Symbol for Raelian Movement
A spectrogram of Bloop
First known entry of Hieronymus Bosch’ name in the municipal record, 5 April 1474
Terra Australis Nondum Cognita is the large continent on the bottom of this 1570 map by Abraham Ortelius
LaVeyan Satanism symbol
Soldiers with the US Army 187th Ordnance Battalion prepared to clear a room with airsoft guns for training in 2009
Ultraman Nexus Junis statue outside Bandai HQ in Tokyo
West Point fortifications 1780
Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK) flag
Charles Alderton inventor of Dr. Pepper
Diagram of Osama bin Laden's hideout where he was shot and killed.
A sculpture representing a duende.
The Naden Harbour Cadborosaurus carcass, retrieved from the stomach of a sperm whale and photographed in October, 1937. It was identified as a fetal baleen whale.
A letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle containing anthrax powder killed two postal worker
Events A, B, and C occur in different order depending on the motion of the observer. The white line represents a plane of simultaneity being moved from the past to the future.
Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky — location of the Great Attractor is shown following the long blue arrow at bottom-right.
Page 48 of the Oera Linda manuscript
A photograph said to depict the Dorchester Pot.
Dogū in Tajiri, Miyagi Prefecture
In three dimensions, the density of states of a gas of fermions is proportional to the square root of the kinetic energy of the particles.
Maine Penny dating to the regin of Olaf Kyrre (1067-1093 AD)
One of the Quimbaya airplanes
Article about Dorchester pot.
Drude Model electrons (shown here in blue) constantly bounce between heavier, stationary crystal ions (in red).
Los Lunas Decalogue Stone in situ in 1997
Manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra
A coin (Hendin 485) issued by Mattathias Antigonus c. 40 BCE featuring a Menorah
Cognitive Science Hexagon
Duke of Goa
Krugerrand Coin
Reconstructed Amber Room.
Seal of the Knights Templar
The Psalms Scroll (11Q5), one of the 972 texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, with a partial Hebrew transcription.
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci
Beginning of the Habakkuk Commentary
Gwanggaeto Stele-erected in 414 by Jangsu of Goguryeo as a memorial to his deceased father
Rose Trellis egg
The garmet & ruby cross-Knights Templar
The War Scroll, found in Qumran Cave 1.
Codex Runicus, a vellum manuscript from approximately AD 1300 containing one of the preserved texts of the Scanian Law
Loki as depicted on an 18th-century Icelandic manuscript
A page from a skin manuscript of Landnáma
United Nations Radio Emblem
Connectomics large scale shows the full set of neurons in the brain showed by an MRI tractography.
Device invented by Johann Wilhelm Ritter to develop the electrolysis of water
Myon Robot
Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito
Renaissance medal with the legend, Atila, Flagelum Dei
Speculative model of Jan Wnęk's glider in the Kraków Museum of Ethnography. Poland.
Two vertical cladograms, the ancestor at the bottom
Vandalic goldfoil jewellery from the 3rd or 4th century
Animated illustration of different phases as a meteoroid enters the Earth's atomosphere
Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR)
Logo of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee
One of only four surviving exemplifications of the 1215 text, Cotton MS. Augustus II. 106, property of the British Library. Magna Carta
Silesian Piast Eagle
Suleiman I signature
20th World Scout Jamboree emblem
A typical CRT gamut.
Animated reprensentation of a torus
Carex trinervis Degl. Plate 2665 from Flora Danica, part 45 (1861)
E-One logo
Humber logo
Peabody Award
Seal of the American Legion
Television color encoding systems. Countries using SECAM are shown in orange.
The National Mall was the centerpiece of the 1901 McMillan Plan. A central open vista traversed the length of the Mall.
U.S. President Roosevelt in a national radio address for the 1937 national Scout jamboree
Example of a single system computer bus
One way to write the word Wikipedia in Leet.
Picture of the internals of an ADSL modemrouter. A microprocessor (4), RAM (6), and flash memory (7).
Scale of PSPACE
A sketch of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft in 1934.
An elliptic Kepler orbit with an eccentricity of 0.7
Angular frequency (in radians per second)
Construction plan of the Castillo de San Marcos from 1677
DEC VT78 Video Data Processor a PDP-8 built into a VT52 body.
Dr. John Greenwood (George Washington's dentist
Ellipses, hyperbolas with all possible eccentricites from zero to infinity
FGR 95
Jerome Johnson (Killed Joesph Columbo)
Position of zygomaticus major muscle
Sketch of Chupacabra
Veno Pilon (in the center), 1919
$100,000 Gold Certificate, obverse.
A 330 US gallons (1,200 L) Sargent Fletcher drop tank being moved across the flight deck of an Aircraft carrier.
Apache revolver
Aurora, Texas alien cemetery hedgestone where it is said to be where the alien is buried.
Original newspaper article describing the incident, by S. E. Haydon, A Windmill Demolishes It, April 19, 1897,
A page of the Domesday Book for Warwickshire.
Grumpy Cat at the 2013 South by Southwest festival.
Dirac Equation
10 Polish Marks, 1917
15 ducats of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1617.
Examples of rope and pulley systems illustrating mechanical advantage.
Agitprop poster by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Hurry to join shock brigades"!!!
Cadet giving the Red Sash to his student.
Diagram of a variant of Léon Foucault speed of light experiment where a modern laser is the source of light.
El Lissitzky's poster for a post-revolutionary production.
Ötzi-Ever since tourists found this mummy north of Italy, everyone in contact dies suddenly.
The XDM type hierarchy.
Items: 1 - 220 of 220